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Video Support Expert
Consult Your Expert What is a Software Solution?
When you send feedback about your product or a project on your company's e-commerce or corporate website via messaging, you may sometimes encounter negative situations. In order not to encounter these negative situations, we strive to make technology more error-free in our newly changing and normalizing world. Your customers are related to a product you are selling, or your customer can get in touch with you more closely with online video conferencing. You can have a more useful conversation with your customers with your expert staff. What is the Content of the Consult Your Expert System?
It is a software solution that carries the content of the subjects such as Online Interviews with Customers, Taking the necessary notes about the interviews, Reports of the meetings, Scoring system about your expert. What features are included in this system; A system module where you can answer questions from customers about the service you provide on live chat and video chat screens. Speaking documents are provided during the online meeting, in case the meeting notes are taken and the same customer is contacted again when necessary.
Expert evaluation will be offered after clients consult the expert.